Custom-made Medical Shoes Computerized Sole Examination Flatfoot Test


Clinic in Szeged - Hungary
22, Hajnóczy utca, Szeged 6722
Phone: +36-20/932-1417, +36-62/323-054
Opening hours: Mon - Fri 9-12
E-Mail: kapota.agnes @
In the afternoon hours please contact the mobile number.

Clinic in Algyő - Hungary
14, Kastélykert utca, Algyő 6750
Phone: +36-20/932-1417, +36-62/268-036
Opening hours: Mon - Fri 8-15
E-Mail: kapota.agnes @

Clinic in Nyíregyháza - Hungary
73, fsz. 5. Bocskai utca, Nyíregyháza 4400
Phone: +36-20/932-1417, +36-42/599-700
Opening hours: Mon - Fri 8-14
E-Mail: kapota.agnes @
Dr. Nagy Ernest



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Free Computerized Sole Examination
We often visit our general practitioner owing to a constantly forming callus or different kinds of dermatitis. These deformities usually occur right on the same part of our soles, therefore the question arises what could possibly cause the problem. Often times it is not our shoes to blame but our incorrect posture.

Most people have problems with their legs and behind these is usually the structural deformity of the leg. Such deformities are the pes planus, the knob, and the hammer-toe. The computerized sole examination is widely recommended by experts to their patients nowadays. After such examinations personalized insoles could be made and the development of further problems most of the times could easily be prevented. Computerized sole examination had been developed for measuring the changes in pressure put on the soles. This gives a high-definition image of the soles which also makes the system able to save and store the given image. All we have to do is to step on a piece of glass with our bare feet; the rest is done by the computer. The system can also be used outside of the consulting-room even by an assistant.

The pes planus, feet deformities or other changes of posture can be the source of several problems, therefore the diagnosis and the treatment is vital. The computerized optical scanning is a clean, quick, and precise process. After the examination, a custom designed insole can be manufactured that corrects the changes in posture. If not treated correctly, there can also be changes other than everyday callus. The static problems of the legs can cause pain in the ankle, the knee, the hip, the back, the shoulders, the neck, and even headache. By the image taken from the soles, the orthopaedic changes, which have direct effect on the joints of the knee, the hip, and the backbone, scoliosis, spinal hernia, joint wear and tear, and osteoporosis can also be diagnosed.

Using custom insoles many feet related problems can be avoided or even treated. Nowadays good shoes represent value, hence we could expected them to be lasting and comfortable. By using insoles, the comfort of our shoes can be further enhanced; moreover, they are also medically and aesthetically recommended. Insoles made after such computerized examination force the feet in the correct direction, correct the postural changes, give optimal support for the legs, give great comfort feeling, and in addition, have positive effect on leg, knee, and hip problems.

Personalized insoles are explicitly customized to optimally support the legs and to correct postural changes. Insoles can be effectively used to prevent and treat unguis, knob and hammer-toe.

Computerized sole examination can be the solution for patients having diabetes. In case of a so called ‘diabetes-leg’ there is an alternative to manufacture a specially cushioned insoles for avoiding further and more serious problems.

Computerized sole examination is quite important in childhood too. Since the feet of children grow rapidly, by sole analysis abnormal growth can be observed and the need of an insole can be decided.

It is also a great device for reflexology and pedicure. According to reflexology, the upper part of the body is represented by reflex zones on the soles. The static alterations on the soles affect these zones and the illness of the body appears in the sole zones. This can be diagnosed by the pressure-analysis of the soles. Knowing the structural deformities of our legs is inevitable for appropriate feet treatment, too.

  Dr. Nagy Ernest assistant professor at the Szeged orthopedics clinic and private practitioner GYÓGYCIPŐ KFT. 2013